Aquaship / Intership orders new state-of-the-art wellboat

"This boat will be a fantastic addition to what is already one of the world's most modern fleets," says Ole Peter Brandal, CEO of Aquaship / Intership.

Aquaship / Intership has 700 employees, with operations in Chile, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, and Norway. The company has its headquarters in Kristiansund and Hareid.

The new wellboat, with a capacity of 4000 m³, will be the 41st vessel in the company's fleet. The wellboat will be a battery-hybrid, with a significant battery pack, and will be equipped with a specially designed reverse osmosis system.

"We see and hear what our customers need, and we invest in boats that meet both today's and tomorrow's demands. There are new and ever-increasing requirements for fish health, fish welfare, and environmental and climate emissions. I am proud that we are investing in the best wellboats on the market that deliver on these aspects," says Brandal.

The boat is designed by Norwegian Salt Ship Design and built by the Spanish shipyard Zamakona in Bilbao, which has previously built two wellboats for Aquaship / Intership. MIL Shipping has facilitated the contracting.

"It requires a great deal of knowledge and experience to build state-of-the-art wellboats. We work with partners we know well and who we know deliver the best available technology on the market. The boat will also have lots of Norwegian equipment " says Brandal.

Focus on Fish Health

Aquaship / Intership has been a leader in the development of freshwater treatment for lice and AGD (amoebic gill disease) using reverse osmosis for many years. The company has accumulated extensive operational experience from freshwater production and treatment. The new boat will have a large reverse osmosis system with a capacity of 10,000 m³, as well as being prepared for combination treatment.

"With this system, we can fill the boat with self-produced freshwater in half a day. The treatment scores very well on all welfare indicators, and the fish start feeding immediately after treatment. This provides economic, welfare, and environmental benefits," says Brandal.

The battery-hybrid technology ensures optimal energy efficiency, significantly reducing both the carbon footprint and environmental impact.

"These are important advancements and investments to make now. To deliver the best possible services to our customers for many years to come, we need to cut emissions faster and better," says Brandal.

Investment with New Owners

The new wellboat is the first to be contracted in the industry since the company last contracted two boats in 2022. Recently, it was announced that Aquaship / Intership is purchasing another state-of-the-art wellboat, "Bjørg Pauline," from Nordlaks. This expansion comes after Aquaship / Intership merged in December and brought in American Industrial Partners (AIP) as the largest owner.

"We have a clear growth strategy in Norway and internationally. For us, it is both necessary and important to continue investing to deliver on what the market needs ahead. Therefore, we depend on investing in the best boats and the very latest technology. We are very pleased to have owners who make this possible," says Brandal.

About Aquaship/Intership:

AquaShip / Intership is an aquaculture service conglomerate with headquarters in Kristiansund and Hareid, offering a comprehensive set of maritime services to the world's leading salmon farming companies. With a fleet consisting of 40 different vessels, including wellboats for live fish, support vessels, harvesting boats, feed boats, service boats, and three new boats under construction, the company has a significant presence in Norway, Scotland, Chile, Canada, and Ireland. The company aims to be a market leader in fish welfare, offering services throughout the entire process from smolt to grading, treatment, and harvesting. Through its high-tech fleet, equipped with innovative and state-of-the-art systems, AquaShip / Intership ensures safe, environmentally friendly, and sustainable handling and transport of live fish.


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